*.net.pe 的域名,完全DNS解析,和COM.CN是一样的。
注册网站: http://www.nic.pe/formulario-web.htm
Indique su direccion de e-mail: 你的EMAIL地址
Factura a la Orden de: 你的名字
Ruc o DNI: 不用填
Dirección: 住址
Facturado por: 选1
Teléfono: 电话号码
fax 传真
0. Acción a realizar en el DNS del Top-level Domain .PE : 选(N) Nuevo
1. Propósito de su registro en el DNS del Top-level Domain .PE : 你要注册的域名
2. Nombre del Dominio que desea registrar : 注册域名的用途
Invoice at your service of: 持有人信息
3a. Name of the Beneficiary 名字
3b. Address 地址
3c. District 区域(县)
3d. Province 省
3e. Department 所在单元
3f. Postal Code
3g. Country
3f. Name (full name):
4b. Position in the institution:
4c. Dirección:
4d. District:
4e. Province:
4f. Department:
4g. Postal Code:
4h. Country:
î. Telephone of the office:
4j. Direction of electronic mail: 电子邮件地址
5 Data of the technical contact
5a. Name (full name):
5b. Institution to which it belongs (not necessarily the same one):
5c. Address:
5d. City:
5e. Department:
5f. Postal Code:
5g. Country:
5h. Telephone of the office:
5i. Direction of electronic mail:
6 Data of the contact for cobranzas
6a. Name (full name):
6b. Institution to which it belongs (not necessarily the same one):
6c. Position:
6d. Address:
6e. District:
6f. Province:
6g. Department:
6h Postal Codigo:
6i. Country:
6j. Telephone:
6k. Direction of electronic mail:
7 Data of the servant of primary name
7a. Name of the Host that is Primary DNS: DNS1服务器名
7b. Direction IP of the Primary DNS: DNS1服务器IP
8 Data of () servidor(es) of nombre(s) secundario(s)
8a. Name of the Host that is Secondary DNS: DNS2服务器名
8b. Direction IP of the Secondary DNS: DNS2服务器IP
9 Way of distribution of invoices
9. (c) Courier: 填写"email" 不是Email地址,而是指以email方式联系
*.net.pe 的域名,完全DNS解析,和COM.CN是一样的。
Indique su direccion de e-mail: 你的EMAIL地址
Factura a la Orden de: 你的名字
Ruc o DNI: 不用填
Dirección: 住址
Facturado por: 选1
Teléfono: 电话号码
fax 传真
0. Acción a realizar en el DNS del Top-level Domain .PE : 选(N) Nuevo
1. Propósito de su registro en el DNS del Top-level Domain .PE : 你要注册的域名
2. Nombre del Dominio que desea registrar : 注册域名的用途
Invoice at your service of: 持有人信息
3a. Name of the Beneficiary 名字
3b. Address 地址
3c. District 区域(县)
3d. Province 省
3e. Department 所在单元
3f. Postal Code
3g. Country
3f. Name (full name):
4b. Position in the institution:
4c. Dirección:
4d. District:
4e. Province:
4f. Department:
4g. Postal Code:
4h. Country:
î. Telephone of the office:
4j. Direction of electronic mail: 电子邮件地址
5 Data of the technical contact
5a. Name (full name):
5b. Institution to which it belongs (not necessarily the same one):
5c. Address:
5d. City:
5e. Department:
5f. Postal Code:
5g. Country:
5h. Telephone of the office:
5i. Direction of electronic mail:
6 Data of the contact for cobranzas
6a. Name (full name):
6b. Institution to which it belongs (not necessarily the same one):
6c. Position:
6d. Address:
6e. District:
6f. Province:
6g. Department:
6h Postal Codigo:
6i. Country:
6j. Telephone:
6k. Direction of electronic mail:
7 Data of the servant of primary name
7a. Name of the Host that is Primary DNS: DNS1服务器名
7b. Direction IP of the Primary DNS: DNS1服务器IP
8 Data of () servidor(es) of nombre(s) secundario(s)
8a. Name of the Host that is Secondary DNS: DNS2服务器名
8b. Direction IP of the Secondary DNS: DNS2服务器IP
9 Way of distribution of invoices
9. (c) Courier: 填写"email" 不是Email地址,而是指以email方式联系
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