A1 Web Hosting Free Mysql Hosting
We are now offering free mysql hosting on our remote servers. Each user will be given access to Phpmyadmin to administer the database. The directory will be password project whose details will be provided to the users who are given the free database.The databases are suitable for blogs,counters or other scripts that use mysql. We do not plan to host database for forums,for that you will need to signup for paid hosting plans.
Currently we are offering only limited size of databases to user but those requiring more space or number of databases can request the same providing suitable reason. Any user who is found to abuse this service will be banned and his/her sql database purged without warning/notice.In extreme cases legal action might also be taken.
End users are responsible for regular backup of their database and under no circumstances is A1 Web Hosting Solutions be held liable for any losses.
We are providing two versions of mysql :
Version 4.0.25
Version 4.1.13 Standard
You will be asked to complete one simple task depending on the size of sql whose details can be found HERE. Please do not fill out the form if you do not plan to complete the task, it will save both your and our time.
To signup for your free mysql database if you have fulfilled the requirements please click the order button to proceed.
Note: Application will be rejected if the requirements are not fulfilled.
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